Kinerja Load Balancing pada Teknologi Etherchannel Menggunakan Metode VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)

Muhammad Zulfi Rahmanzi, Iskandar Fitri, Andri Aningsih



Increasing the number of network technology users is functioned so that network performance increases, it is necessary to have a network renovation process. The results of previous studies, the use of Load Balancing on Etherchannel technology using the VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) method can maximize network performance. In this network topology, VLAN and Etherchannel technology has been configured so that the operation runs efficiently. Etherchannel protocol used in analyzing VTP network performance, namely PAgP and LACP. QoS analysis results for 1 hour, when all connected conditions have an average value of 1.8 Mb / s throughput and 8.1% packet loss. The second test of CORE_SW2 condition was turned off, got an average throughput of 1.8Mb / s and 8.2% packet loss. When testing all three Po1 line conditions is disconnected, the connection is multiplied to 2 lines. Po5 gets an average throughput of 15MB / s and packet loss of 23.15%, Po2 gets throughput of 1.8 Mb / s and packet loss of 8.7%. Then the influence of Etherchannel technology when the first and second conditions are classified as good, while the third condition throughput is classified as very good, but the packet loss generated is of medium condition.

Keyword : Load Balancing; Etherchannel; VLAN Trunking Protocol; GNS3.


Pertambahan jumlah pengguna teknologi jaringan lebih di fungsikan agar performansi jaringan meningkat, maka perlu adanya proses renovasi ulang jaringan. Hasil dari penelitian terdahulu, penggunaan Load Balancing pada teknologi Etherchannel menggunakan metode VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol) dapat memaksimalkan kinerja jaringan. Dalam topologi jaringan ini sudah terkonfigurasi VLAN dan teknologi Etherchannel agar operasi berjalan dengan efisien. Protokol Etherchannel yang digunakan dalam menganalisis kinerja jaringan VTP, yaitu PAgP dan LACP. Hasil analisis QoS selama 1 jam, saat kondisi semua terhubung memiliki nilai rata-rata throughput 1,8 Mb/s dan packet loss 8,1%. Pengujian kedua kondisi CORE_SW2 dimatikan, mendapat rata-rata throughput 1,8Mb/s dan  packet loss 8,2%. Saat pengujian ketiga kondisi jalur Po1 diputus, koneksi dialikan ke 2 jalur. Po5 mendapatkan rata-rata throughput 15Mb/s dan packet loss 23,15%, Po2 mendapatkan throughput 1,8 Mb/s dan packet loss 8,7%. Maka pengaruh teknologi Etherchannel saat kondisi pertama dan kedua tergolong baik, sedangkan saat kondisi ketiga throughput tergolong luar biasa, tetapi packet loss yang dihasilkan berkondisi sedang.

Kata kunci : Load Balancing; Etherchannel; VLAN Trunking Protocol; GNS3.

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