Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

JIMP (Jurnal Informatika Merdeka, Pasuruan) is a media for scientific studies based on the results of research, thought and analysis regarding research in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science. Is a forum and portal for disseminating research results and ideas for academics, practitioners in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science

Acceptable journal scope :

- Information System Analysis and Design
- Artificial intelligence
- Data Mining
- Internet Of Things
- Decision Support System
- E Business and E Learning
- Augmented Reality
- Software engineering
- Computer Networking and Network Communication


Section Policies

Fakultas Teknologi Informasi

Jurnal Prodi Teknik Informatika

Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

JIMP applies the following article review and review process rules:

  1. Manuscripts sent by the author will go through a review process by the editor, especially checking the suitability of the manuscript with the scope of the journal and conformity with the journal template. In this process, the editor establishes communication with the author either by email or online system so that the manuscript is worthy of being sent to the reviewer or even returned/declined.
  2. Manuscripts that have passed step 1 above, will be sent to 2 reviewers for their content to be reviewed using the double blind review method. (via Reviewer and System email)
  3. The review process will consider novelty, objectivity, methods, scientific impact, conclusions, and references.
  4. Reviewers will suggest improvements and or accept/reject articles.
  5. The editor will decide by considering suggestions from reviewers whether the manuscript meets JIMP requirements

Editor's decision is final.


Publication Frequency

JIMP is published regularly three times a year. That is in March, August and December


Open Access Policy

JIMP (Jurnal Informatika Merdeka, Pasuruan) ISSN 2503-1945 (Online) and ISSN 2503-5716 (Print) provide open access for readers, writers at once to their content by adhering to the principle that by making research freely available to the public, it will support the global exchange of knowledge. Articles that are accepted will be available and free to download on the following pages: 




JIMP has used an archiving system to preserve documents by subscribing to DOI (Digital Object Identifier)